Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hello there! I told you that I would be back.  Forgive me for the slight delay but there has been so much going on that my head is just spinning.  Ok, not literally but you understand what I am saying.  I can't even believe that a month has passed since I have written last.  And today is Mother's Day!  It really has been such a beautiful day.  This morning, I had the wonderful pleasure of hearing my beautiful mother lead a song at her church.  Now, don't get me wrong....I think I've heard my mother sing like a thousand times throughout my life. Yet for some reason today, before she even put the microphone in her hand, I was already crying.  What a wonderful moment it was to watch a women who has been through so much in her life sing her heart out for God.  It almost made me feel like the mother-daughter role was reversed for a brief moment. Still, I was so thankful for being there with my parents.  Today made me think back on how things were going at the beginning of this past week.

It was such a busy one for me. Some of those days were just a bit challenging for me and I felt myself starting to get weary.  And we all know what happens when we begin to get a little worn out and frustrated.....maybe I shouldn't say it...ok, are you ready to hear it?  We start to COMPLAIN! Whew, I'm so glad that came out.  I feel so much better!  Well, I have a story to share about this particular word.  It's a good one. Trust me.  It was Monday evening and I was already at home.  I got a phone call from a good friend of mine.  My friend asked me how my day was and everything.  And I just started in with the complaining.  I just felt it just coming out of my mouth.  It probably went on for just a few minutes. After I was finished, I asked about his day.  My friend told me that it was his last day working at his job.  A rush of guilt just pulled my head to the ground.  As I sat on my bed and I listened to his story, I was so shocked. Things can change in our lives in a matter of seconds.

Hearing his story let me know how faithful he is in God.  I was quickly reminded of everything that I was so fortunate to have in my own life.  I had something that he now didn't have anymore.  It made me realize how much I have been blessed with in my life.  Even though he didn't know what was next for him and his family, he knew that God closed that door for him.  I was astounded by his courage to keep moving forward.  I heard the joyfulness in voice.  God has closed that chapter for him and now he is getting ready to start a new one.  I wonder what God is going to do next....

My friend is getting ready for the next lesson in his life.  What he taught me this past week I know that I will never forget it. We have to just keeping taking these great steps forward in faith.  Trusting and believing in God.  Please, let us also be mindful of what is really going on around us. Open up your eyes because you never know what people are going through in their lives.  All I know is that this was exactly what I needed to experience.  When we complain or grumble about things, we take seconds off of our lives that we can't get back.  And I don't feel like wasting anymore time.  I've got things to do!  What about you?

Well, it's that time again.  I know, I know!  Alright now, this should hold you until the next post.   I'll be back again, I promise. 

Did you notice.... Well, a very big HELLO to all of you.  It seems like it has been so long since I have sat down and written anything on th...