Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's so nice to be back.  I know that you missed me!  And at the moment...It's the most wonderful time of the year!  You know you want to sing along with me.  It's December and we are just a few weeks away from Christmas.  I will admit to the fact that I was kind of freaking out about that.  My Christmas shopping is definitely not done yet but I only have a few more gifts to get.  I always get excited about this month.  I love how beautiful all of the decorations are and just the feeling of it all.  Being with my family, baking cookies and watching the movie 'A Christmas Story'.  Ok, you will have to forgive me because I have to see Ralphie get his revenge on Scott on the night before Christmas.  That is the best part!

This has been quite a year for me.  I am so thankful for everything.  The good and the bad.  But, I have realized that I am simply just worn out!  Now, I want you to understand what I am about to say to you.  I know we all have so many different things to do everyday.  Working full-time and going to school is more than enough for me right now.  So for me, it is important that I slow down and rest.  I think that I forgot how to do this.   When we begin to get busy, we spend less time with God.  Do you remember what it means to rest?  For me, it means to do absolutely nothing.   It may look like something else for you.  As important as our jobs are we only have two hands.  We can only do so much in one day.  I have left things to do at work for the next day instead of staying late to complete it.  Because I value my rest.  That is important to me.

So, ask yourself...what do I need to 'rest' from?  Take some time to really think about this.  Find rest in God.  Because this is the only way that we can find our peace.  Don't let yourself get caught up in the whirlwind of life.  Enjoy the rest of your year.  Merry Christmas!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oh, my!  Has it really been this long since I have posted anything?  I am so very sorry.  But, I must say that I have been crazy busy.  I know, I know....I've probably said this to you all before.  I feel like I have been on this wonderful adventure lately.  I wanted to let you all know that I officially started my TESOL Certificate Program in September.  And let me just tell you that it has really been a challenge.  I haven't been in a classroom in probably like 10 years!  Having to juggle work and school at the same time is quite a task.  It's funny because now, at this moment, I finally feel like I am getting closer to something.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  Have you ever had that feeling like you know that something is about to happen?  It feels like I have been walking down a long road for quite some time.  My feet are tired and my legs feel like they will just give out at any moment.  Yet, there is something inside of me that tells me to keep going because I am almost to my destination.  I hear God's voice just simply saying to me, "Natasha, just a few more steps!  C'mon, you are almost there!" 

Now, sometimes it seems as if things around you tend to get harder the closer you get to your destination.  I have definitely had days where I questioned everything.  The pressure of just all of the stuff that we encounter everyday is overwhelming.  Many times I truly wanted to just stop and quit.  It's so easy to give up.  But, what good would that do me?  I've come way too far to walk away from it all. 

I read something very powerful in my devotional last week.  It was about the mountains that are before us.  The author gave the perfect visual of us holding onto the Lord's hand while continuing to climb up the mountain.  If we let go of that steady hand, we get off balance.  We start to find different ways to get to where we need to go.  And, we get off track.  This delays our journey.  I know that there have been days when I have gone in a different direction.  Yet, God has always brought me back to the place that I am supposed to be.  So, I have to keep going and so do you!
We are almost there! 


Monday, July 20, 2015

Good evening, ladies and gentleman this is Seoul!  A beautiful place that I hope to see one day. I don't know why I felt the need to share this picture tonight but, this city looks so wonderful.  Simply breathtaking.  I'm pausing for a moment and thinking to myself that someday I'm going to be there.  Feeling hopeful.....

Saturday, July 18, 2015

안녕하세요.  It feels like it has been way too long since my last post.  I am so sorry. I know that you missed me! (admit it you have)  But I have been crazy busy these days.  I didn't even realize it's almost been 2 months since my last post.  So much has been happening lately that it's been hard to get back here and keep you updated.

But before I go any further, let me bring your attention to the very first word that I typed up top.  You may be thinking to yourself...What is that?  Well, it's actually a Korean word and it means....... Hello!  It's been such an interesting experience learning this language.  I don't know what it is but I just find it so fascinating and cool!  It is also very hard to learn.  Maybe it's because I have gotten older and more forgetful of things. Those that have been helping me with learning it, have all shared with me that it is a hard language to learn.  So I don't feel as bad.  Well maybe a little.  Ha!  But for now I have to study, study and study as my tutor would say.  I can hear her little voice in my head right at this moment!

Anyway, I want to just touch on something briefly today.  Lately, it has really been on my heart to just talk about being single. You know I just have to be a little direct and just put it out there.  Some days it is just hard being a single woman! Some days it can be a struggle. I can't put it in any other way than that.  Don't get me wrong, I have my good days and my challenging days.  God has really allowed me to do so many great things because of my singleness.  It's a different kind of freedom to have.  Now, for those of you that are married and reading this please hear what I am about to say.  I want to be sensitive to everyone that is reading this now.  I want you to understand where I am coming from.  Being single has given me the opportunity to serve God in a whole different way.  I'm thankful and grateful for that.

Yet, there are times when the little moments start to play with my emotions.  For instance, when I'm going to a store to pick up a few items and I pass by a couple holding hands.  Romantic movies alone are tough to watch at times!  Getting invited to yet another wedding and being told....Oh, you're time is coming.  Or when I'm at church on a Sunday morning and I'm surrounded by married couples. And when people ask me if I'm married and I tell them that I am not, they just give me that look.  It's what I call the "Sorrowful Look".  They look at me and touch my arm.  It's usually followed by these words...Oh, I'm so sorry. Why?  I'm so confused!  Did something just happen to make you give me that look?  So when did being 'single' become some sort of disease? 

Just so that you all know...please don't think that I am being a 'Bitter Betty' about all of this right now!  These are all things that I have experienced for myself.  I think that I will end these thoughts today on this note.  For all of you that are on your 'single journey' right now please feel free to share your thoughts.  Don't be afraid to share because I've already told you some of mine. I want to hear from you.  What's the hardest thing for you right now? 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hello there! I told you that I would be back.  Forgive me for the slight delay but there has been so much going on that my head is just spinning.  Ok, not literally but you understand what I am saying.  I can't even believe that a month has passed since I have written last.  And today is Mother's Day!  It really has been such a beautiful day.  This morning, I had the wonderful pleasure of hearing my beautiful mother lead a song at her church.  Now, don't get me wrong....I think I've heard my mother sing like a thousand times throughout my life. Yet for some reason today, before she even put the microphone in her hand, I was already crying.  What a wonderful moment it was to watch a women who has been through so much in her life sing her heart out for God.  It almost made me feel like the mother-daughter role was reversed for a brief moment. Still, I was so thankful for being there with my parents.  Today made me think back on how things were going at the beginning of this past week.

It was such a busy one for me. Some of those days were just a bit challenging for me and I felt myself starting to get weary.  And we all know what happens when we begin to get a little worn out and frustrated.....maybe I shouldn't say it...ok, are you ready to hear it?  We start to COMPLAIN! Whew, I'm so glad that came out.  I feel so much better!  Well, I have a story to share about this particular word.  It's a good one. Trust me.  It was Monday evening and I was already at home.  I got a phone call from a good friend of mine.  My friend asked me how my day was and everything.  And I just started in with the complaining.  I just felt it just coming out of my mouth.  It probably went on for just a few minutes. After I was finished, I asked about his day.  My friend told me that it was his last day working at his job.  A rush of guilt just pulled my head to the ground.  As I sat on my bed and I listened to his story, I was so shocked. Things can change in our lives in a matter of seconds.

Hearing his story let me know how faithful he is in God.  I was quickly reminded of everything that I was so fortunate to have in my own life.  I had something that he now didn't have anymore.  It made me realize how much I have been blessed with in my life.  Even though he didn't know what was next for him and his family, he knew that God closed that door for him.  I was astounded by his courage to keep moving forward.  I heard the joyfulness in voice.  God has closed that chapter for him and now he is getting ready to start a new one.  I wonder what God is going to do next....

My friend is getting ready for the next lesson in his life.  What he taught me this past week I know that I will never forget it. We have to just keeping taking these great steps forward in faith.  Trusting and believing in God.  Please, let us also be mindful of what is really going on around us. Open up your eyes because you never know what people are going through in their lives.  All I know is that this was exactly what I needed to experience.  When we complain or grumble about things, we take seconds off of our lives that we can't get back.  And I don't feel like wasting anymore time.  I've got things to do!  What about you?

Well, it's that time again.  I know, I know!  Alright now, this should hold you until the next post.   I'll be back again, I promise. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hello again!  Man, it's been way too long! But, it has been an interesting month in my little world.  Not to mention that today is such a special day....It's Easter!  This day always feels like a new awakening for me. I don't know how you feel but it is indescribable!  Realizing how amazing our God is and understanding what he did for this world is unbelievable.  I am simply enjoying the love that he has shown for me.   So, today I will leave you with those thoughts.

I'll save the new stories for the next post!  Happy Easter.....I'll be right back!  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I can't believe another week has gone away.  Interesting.  I've been using that very word a lot lately.  It seems like things are so interesting nowadays. So much has happened recently.  These last 8 months have been nothing but changes.  Changes in my job, with my family, even at my church and in my relationships with friends.  There have been a lot more but I won't release all of those details for you.  You probably don't want to hear about all of that! There were several changes that seemed real easy when they came along. Then there were others that were quite difficult.  So difficult that I didn't believe that I could ever raise my head up again.

When changes occur in our lives, I feel like it's always a time for reflection.  A time to take some personal inventory.  About seven months ago, I had one of those 'friendship' changes.  Man, it was so hard. I honestly didn't think that I would even be able to get through that one.  In that moment, it felt like the worst possible thing that could happen.  But there was an excellent lesson that God was trying to show me.  Putting someone else before the Lord is not good!  No matter how much that person means to you they can never be your center.  Only God can reside in that place.

Here's something to chew on...those very events that are changing for you now are the things that are going to take you to that next step in your life. If things stayed the same you would never move.  You would never grow. You have no idea what God is about to do now.  None of us do.  We are not supposed to know that.  The fact is things are constantly going to change.  This isn't a new concept. It may be to us but it's definitely not new to God.  If God hadn't brought certain situations into my life, I never would've thought about going to South Korea.  It probably would have been just another place for me to visit.  It will be more than just a place that I go and visit now.  He's pruning me to let go of my comforts here.  He is simply changing my direction.

So, what type of changes are going on in your life? What is God asking you to do right now?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hello again.  Thanks for joining me.  This past week has been very relaxing for me.  I'll tell you why here patient.  I actually had a few days off from work.  It's so nice having time off.  Technically, it was only two days but still it was nice.  President's Day was on Monday so our office was closed.  Having those two extra days off made it a little extra special.  I know you are probably wondering what I did with my time, aren't you?  Nothing.  It was wonderful. Why is it that we feel the need to always be doing something if we have time off from work?  I think that it's a time where we should be able to rest our minds and our bodies.  Maybe sit in a chair, grab a cold pop and just relax. (For me, it would probably be a Coke. refreshing! Don't judge!)  Don't get me wrong, it's great to accomplish that list of things to do when you have time off but, give yourself a break.  That's why it's called "time off"!

Whew! I feel so much better now that I have gotten all of that out of my system.  I'll get back to my story about going to South Korea.  Let's see where was I.....oh, I remember now!  Well, I have to tell you how this all came about from the beginning. Believe it or not it was actually from watching a show that was on Netflix.  I'm serious! That's how it really happened. Interesting, isn't it?  My mom and I decided to watch something on television that night.  We searched for a few things to look at but nothing looked appealing.  I forgot that I had saved some movies to watch for another day.  I looked at one of the shows that I had saved and I thought that it was an actual movie.  It turned out to be an evening drama show with 25 episodes. The show was filmed in Korea.  Now, I must share with you that I've always wanted to know more about Asian culture.  It's just fascinating to me. Everything about it.  But, let me get back to the story....

The name of the show was called Boys Over Flowers.  Silly title for a show, I know.  It's one of those high school love stories with crazy twists and turns.  Some of it is truly unbelievable!  No one goes through this mess in high school. C'mon, are you serious?  Yet, I was still up at all hours of the night watching it. And don't even try to start watching it if you have to work the next day. Because once you start it you will be stuck in marathon land.  I know you really want to watch it now, don't you?  I know that some of you just clicked on that Netflix box.  Just be aware of the subtitles and be sure to let me know how that works out for you! 

So, for now I will end this little post on that note. Now don't go to far because I'll be posting again very soon.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Oh my goodness! This is officially my first post!  Yeah!  I'm sorry I will try to compose myself.  Before I even get begin, I just wanted to share with you why I'm starting this crazy thing.    I think its important for you to know. I'm just a 37 year old single woman dealing with everyday life. Yes, I did say 37!  And did I mention that it is Valentine's Day today?  Interesting. Well, in case you haven't caught on yet I'm on a very interesting journey right now in my life.  It's a dream of mine to go to South Korea. Seoul actually.  I never even imagined going to this place five or ten years ago.  But for the past 3 years, this place has been in my thoughts daily. 

This whole thing started in such a funny way.  I know that you are intrigued now but I'll save that story for the next post.  Haha!  Stay tuned......

Did you notice.... Well, a very big HELLO to all of you.  It seems like it has been so long since I have sat down and written anything on th...