Sunday, November 24, 2024

Did you notice....

Well, a very big HELLO to all of you.  It seems like it has been so long since I have sat down and written anything on this blog.  For those of you who have been reading my pages, I just wanted to take the time to sincerely thank you for taking the time out of your days to venture over to my little blog.  As you guys know, I started this page to share fragments of my life and to talk about the journey that I was on when I was a single woman.  Because I had been single for a long time, I felt like just sharing some of the things that I have been through, and I also wanted to share with you all about experiences that God was growing me through.  

I did not start this blog for financial gain or anything like that.  I just knew that there were many people out in this world, like me who have experienced the growing pains of being a single, Christian woman.  Looking back at older posts, I wish that I would have shared a little bit more about myself, but I am still a very private person, and I always want to be respectful of my family and friends anytime I share my experiences here on this page.  But as I sit here reflecting on all of these things, I will let you know what has been happening in my world since last year. 

Now, before I get started, please allow me to talk about the obvious changes that have happened.  I wanted to change the name of my blog to "Being Mrs. Lee" because I am definitely in a completely different chapter of my life at this moment.  I got married two years ago to the most gracious and patient man that I have ever known.  He is such an amazing human being, and I thank God every day for him.  However, our story is different because I am here in the United States, and he is there in South Korea.  So, we have spent our first two years of marriage not being in the same place at the same time.  

It's so funny when I meet new people and I tell them about how we met each other, they always ask if my husband is in the military.  I always understand why they ask this question, and I always respond with a chuckle and tell them no, my husband is from South Korea.  He was born there and he has lived there his whole life.   

My husband and I both know that being in a long-distance relationship is not easy.  We have known this for quite some time now.  But for those of you that know what this feels like, you know that every moment that you have with that person, is so precious.  The current time in Korea is 14 hours ahead of my time here.  When my husband wakes up in the morning, it is evening time for me and at this time of my day is when we call each other on the phone.  We have visited each other three times out of the eight years that we have been together.  (The last visit was much longer than the first two visits) Yes, I did say eight years. But that is another story for another time...

So last year, two days before Christmas, we filled out our I130 Visa application with USCIS.  And let me tell you all, it has definitely been a journey for us.  I have to be honest with you guys, it has not been any easy thing to do.  Waiting is so hard.  Let me say that again because I don't think heard me the first time...WAITING IS SOOOOOO HARD!!!  I will admit to the fact that it has definitely challenged me, my marriage and my mental health.  It is has taken me a long time to sit here and write about this because quite frankly, I did not even want to talk about it let alone even write about it.  But I want to be really transparent about my feelings now because I know that we are not the only ones that are going through this. 

Every day I feel the effects of me and my husband not being in the same place.  I believe that we both have good and challenging days but that does not mean that things are always easy.  This time of year, when many are celebrating the Holidays, is always our toughest season and we have had our dark days. But I know that through all of this, God is using this 'waiting season' in our lives to help us grow.  This week, I was having a good conversation with a friend of mine at work, and we were just talking about some of the things that have been weighing heavy on our hearts.  She shared a song with me in her office and as I was listening to the lyrics of the song, I was deeply moved.  There was a part in the chorus that really got to me and it was this specific line...

In your darkest hour, I'd light your way  

As the tears welled up in my eyes, it was just the fresh reminder that I needed to hear.  Even in our darkest hour there is someone there who will light our way.  I know who that is and that is God.  I needed to again understand that even in those darkest moments, He is still there and he will guide us through it.  I cannot say it is easy to thank God in the hard times, but I always want to do it.  We have to thank him always, no matter what we are going through.  He is taking me and my husband through this time to help us and for us both to lean on him even more.  We are never going to be exempt from problems, but what God does promise is that he will light our way for us.  

Well, I think that I have said enough for today.  Once again, I thank all of you for listening to what has been on my heart.  I hope that you all are in a good healthy space in your lives.  Take care of yourself and your mental health!!

Remember to always be thankful not just because Thanksgiving is coming.  Be thankful and gracious to those that are around you.

Now, I know that I have said this before, but I promise I will be back...Please stay tuned.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

What happened to 2023?

Here I am!  Strolling in again, literally a year and a few months later since my last post!  Wow, I cannot even begin to tell you the changes that have taken place since then.  First of all, let me apologize for the millionth time for not keeping up with this blog!  You guys already know that I am a TERRIBLE blogger, and we are already more than halfway through this year!  Good grief where did the time go?

But before I get started with all of the details...let me catch you up on a big event that took place last year in September.  I got married and it was a beautiful evening.  Though I wished that more of my family and friends could have been there, it was still so special to us.  I cannot believe that it has almost been a year since it happened! 

A few months ago, I started a new job and let me tell you, it definitely keeps me busy! I am so much happier now than I was before.  I know that you all have heard me talk about my previous job before in some of my posts.   Last year, I had really reached a point in where there was just way too much toxic stuff going on around me.  Poor leadership, unethical behavior and work gossip were just a few of the things that were happening on a regular basis.  And it was taking its toll on me.  It was wearing me down mentally.  I think I got so tired of it that I did not even want to talk about it anymore.  I wanted to write, but I felt like if I were to write a little something, it would just come out in a negative way.  I believe you all understand where I am coming from.  

Throughout that time, I kept seeing God work.  He was keeping me quiet for a reason and in that quiet time, he was teaching me how to handle people.  Showing me how to not react to things as the world would react.  It was hard.  But I believe all of that was preparing me for what I am doing now, and I am so grateful for that.

Even though there are still many things going on around me, God reminded me last weekend to not focus on those trials; he reminded me to focus on Him in the midst of it.  Because when you focus on those storms happening around you, you lose your focus.

Well, I hope and pray that all of you are doing well.  I hope and pray that you always keep your focus on God.  Do not lose sight of what you are here for!

See you next time...hopefully it will not be year from now!  I will work on that......

Sunday, May 1, 2022

How are you REALLY doing?  

Hello, my people!  I really do hope that all of you that are reading this blog right now are doing good.  It's been a while...but I haven't forgotten about you.  Just like all of you, I have been dealing with a lot of changes.  Some really good and some that have really been a challenge for me.  But give me a moment and I will get to some of this.  

I woke up this morning and I remembered where I was three years ago.  I was in Ulsan, South Korea.  It was the most amazing day of my life.  For many reasons.  I will never forget the moment when I was on this bridge, and I was looking out at the water.  I thought to myself, "I can't believe that I am here and that I have been blessed to see this!"  

In that moment, I was just reflecting on many things.  I remember just breathing in and out, taking in everything I could in those quick minutes.  Looking at things I had never seen before through my own eyes and being grateful for the journey that it took to get there.  And later that day, when I really wanted a cold Coke to drink and a nap, my boyfriend proposed to me!  It's a day I will never forget.

Now, let get back to the statement that I made earlier about having some challenges.  This year so far has definitely had its moments.  I've had a lot going on at work and in my personal life.  I know you have too!  A few months ago, I realized that I was trying to take on battles that I was not meant to fight.  Those battles are the Lord's and not my own.  And let me tell you it started to mess with my mind a little bit.  

I also began to see what was happening around me.  I felt like there were so many people around me going through the same stuff that I was.  Weary and worn out with everything in their own lives.  Don't get me wrong, I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I do.  But there's nothing like going to your heavenly Father for help.  I needed to have those real prayer closet moments with God.  
He is so good for our health.  Let me put another spin on it...he is good for our Mental Health!  Everything in our bodies is so connected with each other.  

When our minds go to that dark place, we just begin to spin out of control.  People are dealing with so much heaviness right now.... depression, anxiety, suicide and addiction.  You don't ever know what the person at your workplace, that person on the street or even the one you meet at the grocery store is dealing with right now.  But God does and maybe he is using you to be that little light for them.  This is what he put us on the earth to do.  If your light is dim, how can they see Him through you?  

Someone was that light for me, and I definitely want people to see his light shining through me.

I could talk about so much more and believe me I really want to, but I think for today, I'm just going to leave you with a question...

So, how are you doing today?

Sunday, January 30, 2022

 Life of a terrible Blogger,

I am laughing right now. You all already know why I chose this title for this post.... because I am a TERRIBLE BLOGGER! Haha.  I think that most folks who start a blog write with the intention of posting ideas or thoughts as often as they can.  But apparently for me, it takes me awhile to get my thoughts together. 

I went back to see when the last post was, and I believe it was in 2020.  I am literally sitting here laughing and shaking my head at myself right now.  Hopefully this year will bring more of my crazy thoughts and more posts to you.  So, for those of you that have been reading my blog since the beginning, please know that I am very thankful for you.

I started this blog almost 7 years ago...good grief where did the time go?  Life for me has definitely changed sinced 2015.  When I started this, I was single and now I am engaged (Engaged to such a wonderful guy by the way).  At that time, I wanted to just share my heart and maybe even share a little bit of my struggles with being a single Christian woman.  I was also feeling led to go to South Korea and in 2019, I was blessed with the opportunity to go and see this country.  It was an experience that I will never forget. 

Now we are already a month into 2022 and I am reflecting on all that has happened.  A lot of things have taken place in my life and I have shared a few with all of you.  It's funny too because I am a pretty private person, so I always found it interesting that God put it on my heart to start a blog.  Weird huh?!  But I am so glad that I did start because I do believe that maybe this will reach someone across the globe.  Because I want every single 'seoul' to be touched by God! 

I will end today's post by saying that I hope that all of you are doing good.  I pray that you are doing well so far in 2022.  I've got some new challenges but don't we all?  I know that there are some things I will have to say goodbye to this year in order for me to walk through the new door that God is about to open for me.  And I'm pretty sure he's probably doing the same for you.  

Please take care...and stay tuned!  I promise I will be back

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Everything changes

Hello, people!  Oh, how I have missed you and all of that gushy stuff.  I REALLY want to apologize for almost letting a year go by without checking in.  Last year, life was kind of crazy and this year has put all lot of that stuff to a halt.  But, I am ever so thankful for the trip that I took to Korea last year.  It was beyond amazing!  

Now before I get started yapping about stuff, there are some thoughts that I need to share with you.  When I started this blog, (Good grief, it's been 5 years!)  I really just wanted to share my experiences and also share my journey to get to Korea.  Plus, throw in a few thoughts about some of the things that we go through when we are single.  Well, a lot has changed over the years, including my "single" status. 

Last year during my trip, I did get ENGAGED!  I'm not sure why it took so long to share this information but if you knew me you'd know that I'm a pretty private person.  I am excited about this new chapter of my life.  But, a lot of things got put on hold because of Covid 19 (Of course!!!).  So, I'll try to keep you all posed about this crazy stuff.   I do have some other news to share....I started a brand new job about a month ago.  God has definitely been busy doing his work, let me tell you!

Well, I think I've dropped enough news on you for now!  As always, I'll be back!  Hopefully, sooner than later

Take care



Monday, August 5, 2019

One amazing trip and it all started at the beach

Hello, hello!  I am back...well, actually I've been back for several months but you know I'm always a little late to post stuff.  So sorry!  But, I know that you missed me.  Well, I just wanted to share some of the highlights from my trip to Ulsan, South Korea.  I was actually there for about nine days and it went by so fast.  I'll fill you in later as to why I was in Ulsan; so as usual stay tuned.  I'll be back to share more stuff in a little bit.   But for now, please enjoy a few photos from my trip.  Take a look....

Beautiful views

A peaceful look out at the water....

Walked up and down some crazy steps and my body still hurts.  Can you see
the guy way in the back on the rocks?  

Very tasty eats

Some traditional Korean clothing...beautiful

Yes, I promise I will return...sit tight!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Finally it has come...

Happy Easter everyone!  It is an extraordinary day.  The sun is shining and it's not raining outside.  I love that we can celebrate today and cherish the fact that Our Savior has risen!  I don't really think that we will ever fully understand the power of those words.  But I am so grateful and thankful for Jesus.  

Well, I know (as usual) you are asking yourself...hey, where have you been?  What have you been up to for these past four months.  And as usual, It's been a whole lot of crazy!  But, I do have a tiny bit of news to share with ready for it? 
Are you sure that you are ready for this announcement?  Ok, here it is.

I AM GOING ON A TRIP TO KOREA IN ONE WEEK!  Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(This definitely required a lot of exclamation points)

Yes, that is correct ladies and gentlemen.  I am going to South Korea!  I am beyond ecstatic, nervous and all of that gushy stuff.  This whole experience has been like a six year journey for me and I still cannot believe that it's really happening soon.  Wow....just wow!  I know that you are probably very curious as to how all of this came about but I'll share those details later.  I can say that this trip is truly a blessing and someone blessed me with it.  And I hope to take everything in and to remember all of it.  So, hang in there with me because I'll be back with plenty of stories and hopefully plenty of pictures!  

But for now enjoy your beautiful day, your family and your friends.   Again, Happy Easter everybody!

Stay tuned for usual, ha!

Did you notice.... Well, a very big HELLO to all of you.  It seems like it has been so long since I have sat down and written anything on th...